How to Handle an IRS Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Handle an IRS Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide

An IRS audit is one of those situations that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most meticulous taxpayers. The idea of having your financial life scrutinized can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that an audit doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. In many cases, it’s simply a matter of the IRS wanting to verify certain information. With the right preparation and approach, you can navigate the audit process smoothly and with confidence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you handle an IRS audit.

Step 1: Understand the Type of Audit

The IRS conducts several types of IRS audits, and the way you prepare depends on which one you’re facing:

  • Correspondence Audit: The most common and least invasive, this audit is conducted through mail. The IRS requests specific documents to verify items on your tax return.
  • Office Audit: Conducted at an IRS office, this type involves a more in-depth review of your return. You may need to bring specific documents and explanations to the meeting.
  • Field Audit: The most comprehensive, a field audit involves an IRS agent visiting your home or business to examine your records in detail.

What You Should Do: Carefully read the audit notice to determine the type of audit you’re facing and the issues under review. This will help you understand what’s required of you and how to prepare.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Documentation

The IRS will typically ask for specific documents related to the items under review. This could include income statements, receipts, bank records, or proof of deductions and credits claimed on your return.

Key Documents to Gather:

  • Income Documentation: W-2s, 1099s, and other income statements.
  • Expense Receipts: For deductions like charitable contributions, medical expenses, and business expenses.
  • Bank Statements: To verify income, deductions, and transfers.
  • Previous Tax Returns: Sometimes the IRS may want to review previous years’ returns for consistency.

What You Should Do: Start gathering these documents as soon as you receive the audit notice. Organize them in a logical order, making it easy for the IRS to review. If any documents are missing, try to obtain duplicates or credible substitutes.

Step 3: Review Your Tax Return

Before meeting with the IRS or submitting documents, review your tax return thoroughly. Look for the items that are under scrutiny and ensure that the information you provided is accurate and backed up by your documentation.

Areas to Review:

  • Income Reporting: Verify that all income sources were reported accurately.
  • Deductions and Credits: Ensure that all claimed deductions and credits are legitimate and properly documented.
  • Mathematical Errors: Double-check for any calculation errors that may have triggered the audit.

What You Should Do: If you find any discrepancies or mistakes, be prepared to explain them and provide supporting documentation or corrected figures.

Step 4: Prepare Your Responses

Whether you’re dealing with a correspondence audit or an in-person audit, it’s essential to be prepared with clear and concise responses to any questions or issues the IRS may raise. Avoid volunteering information beyond what is asked, as this could lead to further inquiries.

Tips for Preparing Responses:

  • Be Honest: Provide truthful and accurate information to avoid potential penalties or legal issues.
  • Stay Organized: Present your documents in an organized manner, making it easy for the auditor to follow.
  • Practice Your Responses: If you’re attending an in-person audit, rehearse how you’ll respond to common questions.

What You Should Do: Anticipate the questions the IRS might ask and prepare your answers in advance. The more organized and clear your responses, the smoother the audit process will be.

Step 5: Consider Professional Representation

One of the most effective ways to manage an IRS audit is to enlist the help of a tax professional, such as an Enrolled Agent, CPA, or tax attorney. A professional can represent you before the IRS, handle communications, and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the audit process.

Benefits of Professional Representation:

  • Expertise: Tax professionals understand IRS procedures and can guide you through the audit with ease.
  • Advocacy: They can advocate on your behalf, potentially negotiating better outcomes or clarifying complex issues.
  • Stress Relief: Knowing that a professional is handling your audit can significantly reduce your stress and anxiety.

What You Should Do: If you’re unsure about handling the audit on your own, consider hiring a tax professional. They can manage the entire process, from gathering documents to negotiating with the IRS.

Step 6: Follow Up After the Audit

After the audit, the IRS will issue a report detailing their findings. This report may show that you owe additional taxes, or it may confirm that no changes are needed. If you disagree with the findings, you have the right to appeal.

Steps for Follow-Up:

  • Review the Audit Report: Carefully examine the IRS’s findings and determine if you agree with them.
  • Pay Any Additional Taxes: If you owe additional taxes, pay them as soon as possible to avoid further interest and penalties.
  • Appeal If Necessary: If you believe the IRS’s findings are incorrect, you can file an appeal and present your case to an independent appeals officer.

What You Should Do: Stay on top of any post-audit responsibilities, whether it’s paying additional taxes or pursuing an appeal. Prompt action will help you close the audit process efficiently.


While an IRS audit can be a daunting experience, being prepared and informed can make all the difference. By understanding the audit process, gathering the necessary documentation, and considering professional representation, you can navigate the audit with confidence and minimize any potential impact.

Remember, the key to a successful audit is preparation and organization. If you’re facing an audit or simply want to ensure your tax returns are accurate and compliant, don’t hesitate to reach out to My Tax Problems Solved. Our team of experienced tax professionals is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your audit is handled with expertise and care.

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how we can help you navigate your IRS audit with ease.

Don’t let financial matters overwhelm you! Experience great satisfaction with My Tax Problem Solved. Whether you’re facing IRS audits, Collections, Back Taxes, or Liens and Levies, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us NOW for expert assistance and peace of mind. Use this link to schedule a free 30-minute Discovery call: and we’ll gift you our book ” How To Fight Back Against The IRS “. All we ask is you pay the postage. Or you can order the book on Amazon here (How To Fight Back Against The IRS: A Step-by-Step Guide for Californians)


This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional tax or financial advice. For personalized guidance regarding your tax situation, it is recommended to consult with a qualified tax professional.

Founder and principal Enrolled Agent at My Tax Problems Solved. Karla brings a deep well of expertise and a commitment to precision in tax representation to the team.

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